Wiebke Möbius, our new spokesperson as of February 15th 2021
It was not so long ago that we founded the Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network. Now important changes have just taken place: as of February 15th 2021 Wiebke Möbius is the new spokesperson of our network.
Our former spokesperson Tobias Rasse moved to a new position in the General Administration of the Max Planck Society to support early career development and postdoc training initiatives. Tobias made an extraordinary work for our network which he initiated by gathering the amazing team we currently build on.

Wiebke Möbius, who was the deputy spokesperson, leads the electron microscopy core at the Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine in Göttingen. Wiebke has experience with the leadership of networks since she has been member of the board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie e.V. (DGE): “Replacing Tobias Rasse will be a challenging task. In the last months we set the foundation for a network in which we firmly believe and that is moving very quickly towards its goals. I am very excited of assuming this new function and I am looking forward the further development of MaxBI and of its team”.
The function of deputy spokesperson will be taken over by Arun Sampathkumar, Head of Plant Cell Biology and Microscopy core at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology and member of the steering committee since the foundation of the network. A new member of the steering board will be elected at the next General Assembly in November.
We thank our former spokesperson Tobias Rasse for all the enthusiasm, passion, and persistence he put into MaxBI and we wish Wiebke Möbius a successful and fruitful transition in her new position!