Ask the experts: STED microscopy
Ask the experts- Joint event of MaxBi and GerBi
- Date: Jun 29, 2021
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: web-talk
- Room: Zoom-Meeting
- Host: Joint MaxBi GerBI event

Meet our experts for STED-microscopy and ask them everything you want to know about this super-resolution method. We are happy to have the experts Elisa D'Este(MPI for medical research) Janina Hanne (German BioImaging) and Sebastian Hänsch (CAi, HHU Düsseldorf) for this session. Ideally you send your questions already ahead of the event to help the experts to prepare for the answer. In the case you have an example image for your questions, please provide this as well. You will find the information how to drop the questions/images and the ZOOM information in the details.
Please feel free to ask us already before the event all the questions that come to your mind and images you would like to discuss and get feedback.
Ask you facility staff for information on how to submit the material and questions and attend the event.
Ask you facility staff for information on how to submit the material and questions and attend the event.