General Assembly of the Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network
- Date: Nov 24, 2021
- Time: 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: hybrid meeting

Zoom details for the public part: Public part zoom
Registration members (please register till 31.10.2021): Registration
preliminary program:
23 rd of November:
Evening event Afternoon: visits of Max Planck Imaging Core units and Abberior
19:15 Get together/dinner in a Restaurant
20:15 Discussion: Our achievements and where we go next
24 th of November: General Assembly in hybrid format ?
Closed sessions:
Zoom-link will be sent to registered participants who want to join online
9:00 Welcome note by MaxBI spokesperson Wiebke M?bius
9:15 Closed session: Networking: Discussion in topic groups:
1: Applications for large equipment: sharing experience (in presence)
2: How to hire staff in core units? (in presence)
3: Facility management software (hybrid)
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Closed session: Reports of topic groups and discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Public session:
13:30 Jan Huisken (Excellence Cluster MBExC, Humboldt Professor)
14:00 Melina Schuh (MPI BPC, Director, Meiosis Department)
14:30 Christian Dienemann (MPI BPC, Molecular Biology Department)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Closed session:
15:30 Report form WG1
15:45 Report from WG3
16:00 Report from financial officer
16:15 Elections
16:30 End of meeting