Coffee Break about "Biosafety regulations in core facilities"
First Facility Coffee Break
- Date: Nov 17, 2022
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: web-talk
- Room: Zoom-Meeting
- Host: Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network - Facility Coffee Break

In some Bundesländer, the regional council in
charge of the implementation of Biosafety measures requires that Core
Facilities keep track of the GMOs handled within the facility. We are planning to have a discussion regarding how this measure is implemented in our facilities.
Click here to join our coffee break in Zoom
Meeting ID: 660 2027 0026
Passcode: 796180
Our coffee break are planned as on open discussion forum of about 45 - 60 min.
- we will have 2 speakers/moderators who introduce the problem and/or their solution (just talking or with slides, up to the moderators. Max 5 min each).
- after the problem is presented, we make a discussion round, in which everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts of their idea/solution. Max 2-3 min per person
- open discussion of opinion/solutions/ideasif needed another round in which everyone speaks
- at the end we prepare a short summary of the discussion for documentation and for ourselves to remember.