Coffee Break dedicated to Electron Microscopy
First Facility Coffee Break
- Date: Jan 19, 2023
- Time: 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: web-talk
- Room: Zoom-Meeting
- Host: Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network - Facility Coffee Break

Should you be facing any hurdle related to
any step of EM-related workflows (from sample prep, device
maintenance, to data management), you might be able to find advice from
your peers! Facility staff and EM users are invited to join it.
Therefore, feel free to share the link to the relevant people in your
facility of institute.
Click here to join our coffee break in Zoom
Meeting ID: 853 2659 1949
Passcode: 471598
Our coffee break are planned as on open discussion forum of about 45 - 60 min.
- we will have 2 speakers/moderators who introduce the problem and/or their solution (just talking or with slides, up to the moderators. Max 5 min each).
- after the problem is presented, we make a discussion round, in which everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts of their idea/solution. Max 2-3 min per person
- open discussion of opinion/solutions/ideasif needed another round in which everyone speaks
- at the end we prepare a short summary of the discussion for documentation and for ourselves to remember.