Past Events

Speaker: GerBi Room: Zoom-Meeting

Partial scholarships for GerBi "Core Facility Leadership and Management Course"

One of the main goals of our community is to support facility personnel in improving scientific, technical, and managerial skills. As you may know, each year, the German BioImaging Society (GerBI) is organizing a Core Facility Leadership and Management Course. This year the course will take place in presence again 27th of June 2022 till 30th of June 2022. The MaxBI steering committee recognizing the high quality of the GerBI course decided to provide financial support for MaxBI members in attending the course. For more information, please get in contact with Dr. Gabriel Malengo. [more]

THREE partial scholarships for GerBi "Core Facility Leadership and Management Course"

One of the main goals of our community is to support facility personnel in improving scientific, technical, and managerial skills. As you may know, each year, the German BioImaging Society (GerBI) is organizing a Core Facility Leadership and Management Course. This year the course will be held online. The MaxBI steering committee recognizing the high quality of the GerBI course decided to provide THREE partial scholarships of the amount 700 € each, to support MaxBI members in attending the course.For more information, please check out the details. [more]