Past Events

Room: Zoom-Meeting

Coffee Break - Maintenance courses

Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee Break is open to all MaxBI members. We will be discussing the Maintenance courses from Leica, Abberior, Flow cytometry we are supporting and want your feedback! [more]
This Coffee Break is open to all MaxBI members. We will informally discuss the current and potential future applications and adaptations of LLMs to daily facility workflows. We invite you to share your current experiences and visions for the future. [more]

Ask the experts: Tissue Clearing

Ask the experts- Joint event of MaxBi and GerBi
Don't miss the next Ask the Experts meeting on tissue clearing which will take place on Wednesday November 27th! [more]

Coffee Break - Flow Cytometry Community

Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee Break is for all MaxBi members but will focus on the flow cytometry community [more]

Coffee Break - Career Pathways in Core Facilities

Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee Break is for all MaxBi members. We want to discuss about career opportunities in core facilities. [more]

Coffee Break - MaxBi Budget and some new ideas that might need support

Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee Break is for all MaxBi members. We want to discuss ideas do make optimal use of our funding. [more]

Targeting and Manipulating Endogenous Transcriptional Condensates

Zoom call: [more]

Coffee Break for the CryoEM specialists of the MPG

Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee Break is for CryoEM specialists to exchange knowledge in the field of cryo-electron microscopy. [more]

Coffee Break connecting the Mass Spec community

First Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee break is for the Mass Spec community to get in touch, exchange and network. [more]

Ask the experts: the technique of OMERO

Ask the experts- Joint event of MaxBi and GerBi
Don't miss the next Ask the Experts talk on the technique of OMERO which will take place on Tuesday June 13th! [more]

Coffee Break for the CryoEM specialists of the MPG

First Facility Coffee Break
This Coffee break is for CryoEM specialists to exchange knowledge in the field of cryo-electron microscopy. [more]

Coffee Break about the agreement the MPG has reached with Zeiss

First Facility Coffee Break
In this Coffee break, we want to present the agreement the MPG has reached with Zeiss on spare components & service contracts. [more]

Led by landmarks – Retrieval of inflamed skin venules using correlative intravital light- and electron microscopy [more]

Coffee Break dedicated to Electron Microscopy

First Facility Coffee Break
With this Coffee Break, we want to foster the interaction between the EM community of the MPG. [more]

Coffee Break about "Biosafety regulations in core facilities"

First Facility Coffee Break
In this coffee break we want to talk about biosafety regulations in core facilities and it is open to all affected facilities of the MPI. [more]

Partial scholarships for GerBi "Core Facility Leadership and Management Course"

One of the main goals of our community is to support facility personnel in improving scientific, technical, and managerial skills. As you may know, each year, the German BioImaging Society (GerBI) is organizing a Core Facility Leadership and Management Course. This year the course will take place in presence again 27th of June 2022 till 30th of June 2022. The MaxBI steering committee recognizing the high quality of the GerBI course decided to provide financial support for MaxBI members in attending the course. For more information, please get in contact with Dr. Gabriel Malengo. [more]

Coffee Break about "Quality controls at light microscopes"

First Facility Coffee Break
We hope you will join and enjoy our "Facility Coffee Break" for all facility members. We want to talk about quality control tools at light microscopes. What do you use, share your experience and advise. [more]

Enhancing the biocompatibility of rhodamine fluorescent probes by positional isomerism: developer's and user's perspective Meeting ID: 812 5615 0916 Passcode: 580646 [more]

ImageJ-Macro scripting March 2022

The scripting for image analysis course covers how to setup and run scripts, variables, comments, functions, and batch processing. The practicals will be conducted using the ImageJ macro language. A knowledge of the graphical user interface FiJi and basic concepts in image analysis is a prerequisite. Two afternoons online course on " ImageJ-Macro scripting" March 21st & 22nd 2022: 13:00 - 17:00 (CET) [more]
We hope you will join and enjoy our "Facility Coffee Break" for all facility members and interested persons. We want to talk about needs and opportunities regarding advanced courses and trainings for facility staff and users. What do you think will help your users and which format makes most sense regarding effort and outcome. [more]

Basics of Image Analysis using the ImageJ GUI

The course covers basic concepts of image analysis such as image properties, image segmentation, shape and intensity measurements. We will use Fiji, but the course is also recommended if you are a beginner and want to perform image analysis using other platforms. Four afternoons online course on "Basics of Image Analysis using the ImageJ GUI" March 7th & 8th, March 14th & 15th, 2022: 13:00 - 17:00 (CET) [more]

Flow Cytometry operators - meet your colleagues and exchange experiences

First Facility Coffee Break
We hope you will join and enjoy our "Facility Coffee Break" for flow cytometry operators. We want to enforce the networking of our colleagues of the flowcytometry facilities and invite all operators within the Max-Planck Society to join the first coffee break dedicated for them to get more in contact. [more] Meeting ID: 893 3394 2225 Passcode: 336008 [more]

Ask the experts: CLEM microscopy

Ask the experts- Joint event of MaxBi and GerBi
Within the frame of our collaboration with German BioImaging (GerBI), we are happy to announce the second appointment with the “Ask the expert” format. It will take place on October 12 at 3PM and the speakers will be Thomas Müller-Reichert from the TU Dresden and Felix Gaedke from the CECAD Cologne. In the case you are interested to join the event, please get in contact with your facility staff and they will provide the necessary information. [more]

Application of optical tweezers with correlative fluorescence microscopy to the study of protein liquid phases on DNA

Meeting ID: 946 3482 2849 Passcode: 794635 [more]
This workshop is part of the Career Steps for Postdocs in Academia & Industry online event, that was opened to members of the MaxBi network as well. Please find the registration link in the details. [more]

Microscope Hardware Improvements for Single Particle CryoEM

Meeting ID: 917 5931 1312 Passcode: 647064 [more]

THREE partial scholarships for GerBi "Core Facility Leadership and Management Course"

One of the main goals of our community is to support facility personnel in improving scientific, technical, and managerial skills. As you may know, each year, the German BioImaging Society (GerBI) is organizing a Core Facility Leadership and Management Course. This year the course will be held online. The MaxBI steering committee recognizing the high quality of the GerBI course decided to provide THREE partial scholarships of the amount 700 € each, to support MaxBI members in attending the course.For more information, please check out the details. [more]

Future Needs of Core Units and Solutions by ZEISS

The Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network and ZEISS Microscopy are organizing a first joint virtual Workshop in order to exchange experiences, learn about actual and future needs of the Core Units and offerings & solutions by ZEISS. We cordially invite you to join and actively contribute in this workshop. Your inputs and opinions are highly valuable for the topics, that we have jointly decided for the agenda. The goal will be to create relevant benefits for the imaging community. Please confirm your participation by registration. Shortly before the event you will receive the Zoom link to the Virtual Workshop. We are looking forward to your participation. Dr. Herbert Schaden; ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions Dr. Wiebke Möbius; Spokesperson Max Planck BioImaging Core Unit Network Dr. Gabriele Malengo; Workgroup Training [more]

Ask the experts: STED microscopy

Ask the experts- Joint event of MaxBi and GerBi
Meet our experts for STED-microscopy and ask them everything you want to know about this super-resolution method. We are happy to have the experts Elisa D'Este(MPI for medical research) Janina Hanne (German BioImaging) and Sebastian Hänsch (CAi, HHU Düsseldorf) for this session. Ideally you send your questions already ahead of the event to help the experts to prepare for the answer. In the case you have an example image for your questions, please provide this as well. You will find the information how to drop the questions/images and the ZOOM information in the details. [more]
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